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Dans la plupart des cas, les hommes utiliseront 100 mg par jour comme dose minimale, cure maximum anavar. However, if a person genetically less vulnerable to this compound, or has built up a comfortable tolerance to this anabolic steroid it can be stacked with other potent AAS for enhanced results, . Trenbolone can be stacked with virtually any anabolic steroid with great success, due to its versatility in regards to bulking or cutting. Thus, if a user was taking Trenbolone predominantly for muscle gain, it could be combined with Testosterone or Anadrol for greater muscle hypertrophy and strength. In such a scenario, where a user wants to add mass, Testosterone would be the mild stacking option; with Anadrol having notably increased toxicity. Testosterone complements Trenbolone well, being another injectable compound and thus not posing any additional risk to hepatic liver health..


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